MakeYourSelf - Változtass, hogy változhass! Karrier, Life & Business Coaching, Motivációs tréning






Harmat Péter - MakeYourSelf


Motivation Trainer
Career, Life & Business Coach



How do you do, dear Traveller

Welcome to my website, dear Traveller

You may have been surprised by this addressing, dear Traveller-Reader, so let me shortly explain why I am starting my page this way. In a nutshell, for me self-knowledge is literally a journey in every sense of the word.

On the one hand, the decision when you embark on a process of self-awareness is only yours to make, Traveller, as well as where you start and how far you get. On the other hand, every journey, including this one, has its beauties but also its difficulties. There are destinations attracting because of the unknown, nevertheless there are zones which - who knows why – you would rather avoid. However there are also areas you like to return to as you can recharge your batteries there or simply because it fills you with good vibes, where you can be yourself or you can just relax.

Just like any journey, a deepening self-knowledge enriches you and helps you discover new inner stead unknown so far. Meanwhile, starting a journey requires just as much courage and openness as continuing it. Without these qualities gaining experiences as well as changing are unimaginable and cannot be achieves. By the way: change is inevitable for improving yourself: without the challenge of facing it, moving forward is impossible. For me it is like taking off into the air for the very first time: no matter how hard you try to control the events, you can do nothing but trust the one driving the machine – the tool – essential to your journey. Relying on someone is not easy in itself, however, as there is neither experience nor change without it, it’s necessary: the trust that our guide is committed and has the knowledge needed to lead us through the obstacles and difficulties we face and never loses sight of the goals and support us to reach them.

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“The use of travelling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.” - (Samuel Johnson)

MakeYourSelf - Változtass, hogy változhass! Karrier, Life & Business Coaching, Motivációs tréning



Coaching is a partnership with the client, a thought-provoking and creative process inspiring them to get the most out of themselves both personally and professionally. Coaching is a unique service, separate from therapy, counselling, mentoring and training.




Shortly about Me

I worked in the financial field for more than a decade and during this time I faced a great variety of challenges, which still has an effect on how I manage my everyday life. In the course of my work – in a multinational environment - I had the opportunity to encounter national and multinational trends as well. These had barely focused on the person or embraced their needs but always aimed at the mobilisation of internal resources. Based on these experiences, I believe that one can keep up with the effects of rapid changes from the external environment only by means of self-improvement.

Both in my previous position and my current work, a solution-oriented and growth mindset is of primary importance, which helped me see opportunities even in challenges and more difficult (life) situations. I found it essential already in a multinational environment to examine ourselves and our methods from new perspectives to increase our agility, pro-activity and eventually our effectiveness. This opinion of mine has not changed since then; what’s more, I have the opportunity now to represent it among a wider range of people than my colleagues.


Harmat Péter - MakeYourSelf


According to American football coach Tom Landry “A coach is someone who tells you what you don't want to hear, who has you see what you don't want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.” I believe that mutual understanding and the possibility of progress are hidden in the quality of the questions asked. With my activities I can support my Clients in mapping out their difficulties and then in being able to start their own journey of the desired change. For this process I use the tools and methodology of brief coaching and transactional analysis, while by motivation mapping, my Clients can not only identify their existing resources with my help but, by means of strengthening their motivators, they can also aim at a well-balanced and effective way of functioning. Ultimately, the person may move in the direction of a resilient operation or an agile transformation if that’s what they wish.


Harmat Péter - MakeYourself


In the last couple of months, I immersed myself in the Scrum and Kanban frameworks and the methodology of deepening the agile approach. As a Scrum Master, I can foster agile and flexible operation adaptive to changes with tools advantageous not only for a certain organisation and team but, as I have written earlier, also for the individual as these may offer opportunities for them to cope with the effects of our fast-paced world and the resulting stress which could be reduced to get a relief at the same time. All this in such a way that we can reach our goals in our work to be done, what’s more, experience the success of our achieved results.


My studies:

ScrumXpert - Product Owner training (2023)
LABA Kft. - Scrum Master training (2022)
Coaching Határok Nélkül Kft. - Motivation Map Consultant (2022)
Legacy Kft. - Trainer, Consultant and Facilitator training (2021)
Legacy Kft. - Life and Business Coach training (2020)
ELTE Faculty of Arts - Historian (2011)
ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences - Politologist (2010)









Those who are participating in a coaching process can experience the followings: they are going to look at their own personal challenges and opportunities differently, their thinking and decision-making ability is going to be strengthened, their personal effectiveness is improving, as well as their self-confidence will increase and they will be able to get closer to the fulfilments of their works and life roles.




Life Coaching

„Be pitiful, for every man is fighting a hard battle.” - Alexandriai Philón

According to my experiences, most people don’t like to talk about their problems. And here I don’t mean complaining but internal blockages and obstacles that are part of our most private sphere. And for what reason are they not talking about these?Well, as I see it, it’s either because these blockages are burdened with emotional associations (so it is really hard to talk about them) or because they don’t consider them as problems therefore they don’t even realize that these are the obstacles to their progress.

However, it is also true that many people don’t get enough attention, they are not listened to or they are faced the fact that there are others around them always knowing “better” what they should do… especially, in our age when it has become a central issue for the relational-self to represent the identity and the personality in front of the outside world as well.

Be that as it may, one thing is for sure: our situation won’t be changed, because it cannot change without us, without our decision and commitment, because change can only happen in our lives if we want it too!

„Travel sparks our imagination, feeds our curiosity and reminds us how much we all have in common.” (Deborah Lloyd)


Who is it for?

Ever felt you’re running around in circles?
Have you ever felt that you don’t understand why your environment doesn’t get your point?
Has it ever happened that you had a fight with someone while you were only representing the truth?
Has it ever happened to you that you guessed that you would get into a conflict with someone and life confirmed it later?
Have you ever felt that after helping someone, you resent yourself after a while?
Do you intend to change your life but have no idea how to start it?


If any of the above questions have concerned or are currently concerning you, then this opportunity is for You! As a coach the real “reward” for me is when my coachee sitting opposite me feels and gets relieved and also expresses it.

How do you imagine the process?

Each conversation takes place at a pre-arranged time with a frequency you set. The sessions are all 60 minutes long during which time I undertake to give my full attention to you, focusing not only on what you say but also concentrating on your gestures and body language. During our conversations we map out what obstacles block you and how as well as what kind of solution strategies can be achieved by you, using your own strength. All this in alignment with the code of ethics of an organisation to which I proudly belong to!

The duration of a process depends on the topic brought and its depth, but it usually covers 6-8-10 sessions. This is a long and confidential commitment which understandably may not work with everyone. That is whythe first session is free , of charge, during which we assess whether we can cooperate and if so, also lay the foundations for it at the same time. After further consultations, I issue an invoice of HUF 15,000 on occasion.





What’s a Motivational Map? A list created based on our self-image, which concentrates exclusively on motivation and shed light upon our motivators and the current level of our motivation, and offers a plan to increase it. In addition it helps us get to know our motivation more deeply and gives solutions to meet our motivational needs. The map is available online and it takes only 15 minutes to fill out.


The Motivational Map is available only with feedback from a consultant as this is how an individual receives real help to interpret the results of the Map correctly.

One of the most important facts about motivators is that they change over time so they cannot be considered permanent. Accordingly, the Map itself is situational, i.e. its interpretation greatly depends on the client’s given situation. It also should be highlighted that there is no good or bad profile, since motivators are based on feelings, incorrect motivators don’t exist. Nevertheless, it’s important to understand that these form a holistic unity, affecting one another: strengthening or weakening each other.

Creating a vision we don’t really long for and therefore we can’t be committed to can consume us totally. The question may arise: Who would do such a thing?! And it’s a completely appropriate question; however the above situation is unfortunately absolutely relevant in our changing world. What and why we do and what we truly want to do don’t go hand in hand. Although our subconscious intends to protect us, it can easily turn into self-sabotage. So I believe that without working on our awareness and being conscious, we just waste our energy – if we are lucky, but in the worst case, even our health can suffer greatly from this kind of survival strategy.

After all of this, it may not come as a surprise to you, dear Traveller-Reader, that each profession has its own “map” in terms of motivators, that’s why it may be especially worthwhile to take it into account when planning a carrier change.





The order of the motivators is only one aspect of a successful and satisfied life, the other is if we understand and become aware of the fact that we are not the same as the emotions working within us, while identifying hindering beliefs. If we believe we can solve the situation, there’s a great probability that we will and our self-confidence will also increase at the same time.

There are usually three performance-inhibiting factors to be named: time, money and people. If you, the dear Traveller-Reader, put them in order of importance, which one would you feel problematic from your own point of view? Would your Motivation Map confirm this?


How do you imagine the process?

Each conversation takes place at a pre-arranged time with a frequency you set. The sessions are all 60 minutes long during which time I undertake to give my full attention to you, focusing not only on what you say but also concentrating on your gestures and body language. During our conversations we map out what obstacles block you and how as well as what kind of solution strategies can be achieved by you, using your own strength. All this in alignment/ line with the code of ethics of an organisation to which I proudly belong to!

The duration of a coaching process depends on the topic brought and its depth, but it usually covers 6-8-10 sessions. This is a long and confidential commitment which understandably may not work with everyone. Career coaching can also fit into such a process, so it can be part of it or it may be an independent process.In the second session, you’ll get to know your own Map , for which first you need to fill out an online questionnaire. Thereafter you receive the detailed evaluation by email which we will process later together in the course of a consultation. For the Motivation Map, evaluation and consultation, I charge HUF 48,000, and for further consultations HUF 15,000 on occasion


Business Coaching




We have to face it day after day that the boundaries of our accelerating world are expanding in such a pace that probably makes our handholds even to be trusted as secure transform within a very short time. Learning about new trends, new cultural customs has become also typical. Just as much as the integration of answers and possible “solutions” or quick methodologies given to them – frequently without criticism. Though we hope to enhance our efficiency and effectiveness from these innovations, in my opinion, it does matter how we can adapt to these changes. If we – human beings as resources, have a go at these transformations without stable foundations and support, we may have to suffer from damages of our mental well-being in the long run. Thus it is important to be aware of our resources and own limits in such a transforming environment, , and self-reflective functioning is an inevitable condition for this. After all, we are able to counterbalance our feeling of uncertainty resulting from the permanence of changes by strengthening our (internal) stability!

What makes us think that we could become independent of this in the world of work? Especially in such a VUCA (Volatile ; Uncertain ; Complex ; Ambiguou ) world we are currently living and working in!

As a leader I have had the chance to experience in recent years that only change was certain in everyday life, everything else (such as the conditions, resources and availability of tools) are only relative. Regardless of the capacity in which we intend to perform in the life of an organisation, mthe growing complexity of situations to solve has become a universal phenomenon. As a coach I feel it is my duty to support my clients in accepting the fact that clarity in its classical sense and certainty/ security resulting from the unchanging are now unsustainable conditions, so these make us, leaders, face with an impossible task.

Instead, in our age our everyday lives are characterised by enormous information flows – info dump, communication overload, hyperactivity and multitasking, which has the result of superficial attention, the constant feeling of tiredness and exhaustion, stress, and in the worst case, burnout or depression, with regard to our relationships. So in our attempt to be able to adapt to the accelerating world, we burn our resources individually in a similar way as humanity does with our Planet.

And how can we prevent all this? By strengthening and developing our awareness and conscious functioning! In this approach, I regard the coaching process as a break provided to the leader, “the art of lingering”, if you like, when we have the opportunity to check the state of our own resources, and if necessary, rest. We do it all in order to find the right directions, which helps us not only ensure our effective operation but it may also help us maintain our balanced mental well-being and health.

- The above description was inspired by Prof. Reinhard Stelter's presentation on October 6, 2022,
ICF Coaching Conference 2022 -  



What kind of managers/leaders do I recommend myself to?

Those who are ready for a meaningful and value-focused communication during which they can not only identify their resources but also discover the ways of achieving their short- and long-term goals, self-reflectively.

Those who would like to lead a team in which psychological safety rests on a stable foundation and the team members are capable of reacting to unexpected situations on an emotional, mental and physical level as well – i.e. in a resilient way.

Those who value their own and their team’s effective but at the same time value well-balanced work and support work-life balance.


How do you imagine the process?

Each conversation takes place at a pre-arranged time with a frequency you set. The sessions are all 60 minutes long during which time I undertake to give my full attention to you, focusing not only on what you say but also concentrating on your gestures and body language. During our conversations we map out what obstacles block you and how as well as what kind of solution strategies can be achieved by you, using your own strength. All this in alignment with the code of ethics e of an organisation to which I proudly belong to!

The duration of a coaching process depends on the topic brought and its depth, but it usually covers 6-8-10 sessions. This is a long and confidential commitment which understandably may not work with everyone. Therefore the first session is HUF 12,500 at a discount, during which we assess whether we can cooperate and if so, also lay the foundations for it at the same time. After further consultations, I invoice HUF 25,000on occasion.





„A journey, after all, neither begins in the instant we set out, nor ends when we have reached our door step once again. It starts much earlier and is really never over, because the film of memory continues running on inside of us long after we have come to a physical standstill.” (Ryszard Kapuscinski)







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